Adopt a Smart Minimalist Approach to Technology

A minimalist lifestyle has been a popular trend for several years now. Many believe that with the conscientious effort to keep possessions fewer and simpler, a better quality of life can be achieved. Those who practice minimalism say that not only have they become more joyful in day-to-day life, but they have become more intentional as well.

Other top benefits of minimalism are better finances, lower stress, a better sense of contentment, and increased creativity. Among all of these benefits, some minimalists find increased creativity the most life-giving. It allows them to make the best use of what they have, which prevents them from frequently seeking something that’s supposed to be bigger and better, just like with technology.

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Keeping Technology Under Control

Technology is the perfect example of something that supposedly improves at a rapid pace. Just look at all the new smartphone models available on the market that, if you’re out to buy a replacement for a broken phone, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed by all the options.

In such a situation, a minimalist approach always proves helpful for the following reasons:

  • It prompts you to focus on what you truly need.
  • It directs you to consider your personal values, such as a commitment to eco-responsibility before making a purchase.
  • It makes you think of potential more than limitations.

So, if you long for a simpler relationship with technology, a minimalist approach is worth considering. The question now is, how should you go about it? Here are some tips:

1. Choose more economical options.

When it comes to technology, you don’t always have to buy the latest and most expensive model when you need a good quality replacement, especially if you carry out the same activities with them. You may have little to no use for all the new functionalities that new devices offer.

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Focus your attention on the models that accurately suit your habits, and it’s better to find the best quality gadgets at a more affordable price. For example, consider top-grade refurbished iPhones instead of a brand new version because it’s the same quality for anywhere between 15 to 30 percent off of the standard retail price of a brand new iPhone.

It’s important to mention that opting for refurbished or renewed devices will not only save you money right when you purchase them, it offers other economical benefits as well. Refurbished iPhones are typically open line, thus allowing you to choose a budget-friendlier phone plan and server.

2. Avoid investing in technology with overlapping functions.

It’s not uncommon for people to feel like they need all the Apple gadgets — iPhone, iPad, Macbook, and iMac, but is it truly a need? These devices have overlapping functions, and you’ll be fine with one or at most two — an iPhone and Macbook. Here’s a guide to how to sell my macbook pro for a new one..

The problem with having too many devices is it makes it harder for you to disconnect, which is essential for life balance. If you want a less complicated life with technology, it’s better to invest in a few apps and small mobile accessories to increase functional capabilities than an entirely separate device with just one or two unique functions.

3. Take good care of your technological devices.

One of the best ways to manage technology is to take excellent care of them. This will prevent a quick turnover of devices. According to long-time minimalists, there’s nothing like cleaning your gadgets every day to keep them looking and working like new.

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Aside from that, make sure you store your gadgets properly. It also helps significantly to establish good practices with your devices, such as not bringing them into the bathroom and making sure not to overcharge them.

It’s been scientifically proven that even with how smart devices are at managing power and reducing current as built-in batteries fill up, overcharging reduces battery life and poses other risks.

Tech experts say to ensure the long life of your devices’ batteries and avoid the immediate replacement of your gadgets, it’s best to start charging when your battery indicates 40 percent running life and making sure to reach at least 80 percent before unplugging.

4. Make use of apps that can help you track your device usage.

If you feel like time always gets away from you the moment you have your hands on your iPhone or turn on your laptop, you’re definitely over-consuming technology.

Medical News Today reports that overconsumption of technology is one of the leading causes of psychological and physical issues among young adults. From this, they can suffer from eye strain to lack of focus and even depression.

Thus, if you want to create a healthier relationship with technology, manage your usage time. Oddly, you can also use technology for this because there are apps designed solely to track your device usage, such as the amount of time you’re online, and the kind of content you watch, read, or listen to.

With the help of such apps, you can modify your behavior, be prompted to limit your technology usage to a healthy amount, and finally have the time to pursue more meaningful activities.

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5. Explore all the functions of your devices in making your life easier.

Technological devices are primarily designed to make life easier for everybody. Therefore, learn to what extent your devices can serve your needs.

One of the goals of minimalism is to utilize the potential of what you own so you can avoid additional purchases. Take the time to explore all that your iPhone or laptop can do. You may just find that there are other things in your possession that you can do without.

For instance, an iPhone can replace these ten things:

  • Watch/alarm clock
  • Camera
  • Video recorder
  • Radio
  • Books
  • Calculator
  • Flashlight
  • Flash drive
  • Planner
  • Photo albums

Technology Managed With Minimalism

There are many other aspects of existence that you can approach more intentionally to achieve the same goal, but technology is clearly a solid starting point.

Having total clarity of what technology contributes to your life is truly a great way to reduce the clutter and chaos of daily living.

So, if you desire to live with fewer complications or hassles, consider a minimalist approach to technology. Use the tips shared above to launch into this goal successfully.

Author Bio

Mirza Saqib Habib is the Business Manager at Dubai-based Teckzu, the perfect one-stop shop to discover, browse, and buy new and refurbished electronics such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and accessories. Mirza comes from a strong E-commerce background with over 6 years of regional experience. He has helped kick-start many startups in the past and is passionate about using technology to facilitate a seamless digital user experience.