Hemorrhoids – Complete Guide About Hemorrhoids Causes, Types, Symptoms & Treatments

Hemorrhoids have long developed a reputation for being a frustrating, often painful condition. Do you know that over 10 millions of people are affected by hemorrhoids in the United States alone? And nearly 50% of the world’s population will suffer from hemorrhoids by age 50. There’s a good chance that the real number of people affected is higher because people have a feeling of embarrassment about this condition.

In spite of the regularity of this disease, no one has the desire to talk about it to friends, parents and even to their medical doctor. The result is many people are suffering silently from hemorrhoid’s painful symptoms and discomforting.

Hemorrhoids are most prevalent in pregnant women and those over the age of 30. However, they can afflict anyone, resulting in debilitating pain and lifestyle changes. It is estimated that nearly 70% of pregnant women get hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after childbirth

What Are Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are basically the condition when veins around the anal or lower rectum area gets swollen causing itchiness, bleeding, fecal leakage and painful bowl movements.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids causes are generally an increased pressure on the veins in the pelvic and rectal area which cause blood pool or collect inside them which in turn lead to swell.

This increase in pressure causes the irritating itching which affects most people and can go away by itself if the underlying cause is temporary and not too much pressure has been placed on the veins.

If the pressure continues to increase, the tissue continues to swell, which the surrounding tissue to stretch in size and to appear more serious hemorrhoids. More prevalent burning sensation and spots of blood may start to appear on toilet paper after bowel movements- result of itching.hemorrhoids causes and information

Hygiene in the bathroom is of primary importance for most cases of common and uncomplicated hemorrhoids. These bathroom habits do not cause serious damage to the tissue and will disappear by themselves or with a few simple treatments, they are usually temporary. Following are some of the major causes of Hemorrhoids

  • Constipation/ Rushing Fecal Matter
  • Having hard and dry stool
  • Lifting Heavy Objects
  • Overweight
  • Anal Sex
  • Pregnancy


A set of stage for an onset of hemorrhoids could be caused by a variety of medical conditions and a similar variety of treatments as one of their side effects conditions. Many of the medicines used to treat common illnesses have as one their many possible side effects, negative conditions that can cause hemorrhoids to form much more easily than in other occasions.

Such case is when heart and liver disease is treated over a long period of time and can cause blood to pool in the abdomen and pelvic area, enlarging the veins and can create the pre-conditions necessary for an onset of hemorrhoids.

1) To have tumors whose position in the body or in the pelvic region. This may cause an increased blood pressure an accelerate hemorrhoids apparition.
2) To have anal canal infections. Increased pressure on the anal cushions can cause swelling which in fact, can mimic the symptoms of hemorrhoids. An infection in the area can be a result of any interference with normal bowel movements.

Even in more serious cases of hemorrhoid infections, even stubborn flare-ups could be made to disappear quickly leaving little long lasting effect by treating the underlying causes, stopping the constipation or the diarrhea, adjusting the medicine, improving the diet, etc. However, in most cases hemorrhoids appears and cause discomfort then disappear repeatedly with slight treatment in this area.

Hemorrhoids may be a necessary complication that cannot be 100% controlled but at least may be minimized to whatever extent possible. But in some cases people struggle with hemorrhoids for long periods of time, unable to make them disappear completely except for short periods of time, unable to quit the itching, burning sensations and discomfort for a variety of reasons.

This is the reason why it is important for all hemorrhoid infected to realize their condition and do whatever they can to relax the symptoms and prevent flare-ups.

Types of Hemorrhoids

Generally there are two types of hemorrhoids; External Hemorrhoid and Internal Hemorrhoid. Each of them has one more sub-type i.e. Thrombosed Hemorrhoids and Prolapsed Hemorrhoids respectively.

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are known for causing irritation, itching, bleeding and discomfort. They oftentimes become a distraction to normal functioning. If you have external hemorrhoids, you may also be looking into ways to get rid of the problem. There are several medications that are used to help relieve the hemorrhoid irritations. However, these medications also come with side effects. If you have hemorrhoids, knowing the possible treatments, as well as the complications, will help in determining what is right for your healing.

The major side effect of most external hemorrhoid medications is an allergic reaction. This is because most of the creams, gels or other types of medications are applied externally and react with the skin and tissue. If your body is sensitive to one of the ingredients in the medication, it will become irritated and won’t relieve the hemorrhoid symptoms. Knowing exactly what is in the hemorrhoid medications and determining how you will react, is important before deciding if it is the right medication to heal your hemorrhoids.

The second problem related to external hemorrhoid medications is that it may react to other problems that are also in this area. If you have an external wound that is open, then it may irritate this area. You will also not want the medication to stay in the area of the open wound, as it can cause more complications than expected. Make sure that the medication does not interfere with other areas when you are applying the medication.

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Before getting any medication for external hemorrhoids, it is important to determine what your doctor recommends for this problem. You will first need to relate the symptoms to your doctor, as well as let him or her know how severe the symptoms are. You will not want to take a medication that is too strong or not strong enough to help with the hemorrhoids. You will also need to tell the physician if you are using any other types of medications, such as anti-depressants. These may not affect the external hemorrhoid medications as much, and it also may be better to start with a prescription that is not so strong.

After you have begun taking your medication, you will also want to make sure that you don’t have any reactions. If there is more irritation, swelling, bleeding, or pain, then you should stop taking the medication and inform your physician. This probably means that you are having an allergic reaction; however, you should work to solve the problem before continuing with the medication.

The medications that are suggested should provide relief in a time period of seven days. If they do not, then the hemorrhoid treatment is not working and you should consult your doctor. Before deciding to take any treatment, it is important to make sure that it is going to be effective and help to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. If you are uncertain about the medication, it may be better to use other methods in order to prevent any severe reactions. Having the right treatment to help with your external hemorrhoids is important in relieving the pain and irritation from the swollen blood vessels.

Internal Hemorrhoid

Internal Hemorrhoids has been a problem for many people as it affects your way of daily functioning. As a result, you may want to try some of the medications that are available to relieve symptoms that are associated with internal hemorrhoids. If one of your considerations is to use a medication, then you should first look into the possible side effects that are associated with this. Knowing the side effects will help you to make the right decision with choosing the medication that is best for your hemorrhoids.

The first type of reaction that may be seen in the hemorrhoid medication for internal symptoms is hypersensitivity. This means that certain nerves may react and become more sensitive to the environment. This is most often seen in the protectant type medications that are available. While this is known to be minimal, it can also cause more discomfort when you are trying to relieve the problem.

The major side effects that are seen in internal hemorrhoid medications are in the vasoconstrictors. One of the known problems with these particular medications is that there may be an increase in blood pressure. This may also cause cardiac arrhythmias, which will cause the heart to react irregularly. If you have diabetes or heart problems, you may want to check with your doctor before using this medication. Not looking into this side effect can cause more severe health problems. The second known side effect with vasoconstrictors is nervousness and tremors. If you are known to be hypersensitive, or have thyroid problems, then you will not want to use vasoconstrictors as a treatment. The nerves will become too sensitive from the medication, which will cause the body to react. Insomnia may also be a side effect from this particular medication. If you already have symptoms that relate to insomnia or hypertension, then it is best to avoid these types of medication.

One of the other considerations to keep in mind is how these medications may interact with other prescribed medications. These will cause the medications to react as well and cause more severe problems. This is especially known to be a problem with monoamine oxidase inhibitors as well as some antidepressants. This may cause the side effects to be more severe than expected.

With all of the medications available for external hemorrhoid use, allergy considerations should also be kept in mind. Having an allergic reaction may cause more irritation in the area that you were trying to relieve. Before taking any of the medications for internal hemorrhoids, you will need to check with a doctor to make sure that you won’t react to what you are taking.

Medications are one way to relieve internal Hemorrhoids, however, the side effects should be looked into. If you have a reaction to the medication, it can cause serious problems that otherwise could have been prevented. Knowing what ingredients is in the medication, as well as understanding the possible side effects, can help you determine whether it is the right medication to help relieve symptoms from hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy & Hemorrhoids – Can Pregnancy Causes Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids will often appear in women after they become pregnant. Because of the added pressure and changes that occur in your body, it will often cause the blood vessels to react. If you are pregnant, there are signs that you can look for to tell you if hemorrhoids are your problem. From here, you can find the specific help that you need to make sure that they don’t cause extra irritation and pain during your pregnancy.

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It is known that fifty percent of women who become pregnant will most likely also develop problems with hemorrhoids. Because of the changes in your body during pregnancy, extra, unexpected pressure is added. If you have become pregnant, you may also be experiencing the pain and discomfort of Hemorrhoids. Several procedures are available to reduce the pressure. It can also be expected the Hemorrhoids will not be as dominant after the pregnancy.

The most common problem with hemorrhoids during pregnancy is constipation that also occurs. The veins in your lower body will already be dilated. When you get constipation, it will add more pressure, causing the blood vessels to react and become swollen. There are several ways that you can make sure the pain of these is reduced by specific natural changes that you make.

The first thing to do when you are pregnant and have hemorrhoids is to begin drinking more water every day. It is recommended that you drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. This will help your bowels to move with more ease. You can also put more fiber in your diet. Items like breads and wheat will add to the movement in this system.

It is also important to regularly exercise while you are pregnant. This will help the extra pressures to not have as much tension on them, and will ease some of the pain in your body. Kegel exercises are a common exercise that you can do during pregnancy that will help movement in this area. This is simply allowing your body to become tenser then relaxing. This will then allow more movement in this area.

If you already have hemorrhoids during your pregnancy, you can do several things to make sure that they don’t become too irritated. For example, not sitting or standing for long periods will relieve the pressure in this area. Taking baths and using creams will also help to relive the pain as well as allow the area to stay more relaxed. There are several choices available for those who are pregnant and have hemorrhoids.

If you are pregnant and have hemorrhoids, you can easily make sure that they do not cause more pain or irritation in your pregnancy than needed. By exercising and eating right, it will relieve the blood vessels in this area. Making sure that you stay healthy during your pregnancy will help to prevent these problems. If you still get hemorrhoids and are struggling with them during your pregnancy, you can take several steps to help relieve the pain.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids – How to Identify Hemorrhoids

If you have hemorrhoids, or think that it may occur in your body, then you will need to first define the hemorrhoids symptoms that are related. By understanding what these are, you can evaluate if this is a problem and can take the proper steps into finding the right care and treatment. There are several symptoms related to hemorrhoids, all which will help in deciding if this is the problem.

The first major hemorrhoid symptom is bleeding. This may only occur internally, but most of the time, those with hemorrhoids will notice blood that cover the stool or the blood may be noticeable when you are sitting in an area. When hemorrhoids are diagnosed by symptoms, the doctor will first look at swollen blood vessels and bleeding in the anus area. From here, other symptoms will be related to the bleeding, causing levels of discomfort.

An internal hemorrhoid, while having bleeding attached to its symptoms will also move from the internal area where it has become swollen to the anus and outside the body. You may find that after some irritation and bleeding, you are sore or swollen in this area. There will also be irritation and pain attached to this particular area. These symptoms are often referred to as prolapsed hemorrhoids.

When the hemorrhoid is external, it will also cause bleeding. However, there will be noticeable lumps that have formed around the anus area. This is a series of blood clots that have formed from the bleeding under the skin. This continue to cause swelling as well as pain that is associated with the hemorrhoid.

Another part of hemorrhoid symptoms is the side effects that may occur when they are functioning. It is easy for hemorrhoids to become irritated with movements that you may be making. For example, if there is straining that is constantly occurring in this area, it will cause the Hemorrhoids to become irritated and react by causing pain or more bleeding. Rubbing or cleaning around the anus area can also cause the hemorrhoids to become irritated and react.

When the hemorrhoids become irritated it will cause more pain in the area and may cause itching. The itching that is related to hemorrhoids may also occur from production of mucus around this area. This will irritate the hemorrhoids and cause them to react. This may eventually result in symptoms to flare more than before and cause more serious problems with the symptoms, which begins a cycle of pain that won’t go away as easily.

If you have hemorrhoids, they are easily identifiable by these symptoms. While there may be other symptoms occurring around this area at the same time, these are known to be the most common. Other symptoms may also be related to a different digestive disease or could be a reaction from continuous irritation in this area. If you have these symptoms, you may have hemorrhoids. Once you know this, you can easily find ways to get rid of the symptoms.

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Hemorrhoids Treatments & Relief for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids treatments ranges from simple home remedies for hemorrhoids to surgery, depending upon the type and severity of the hemorrhoid condition.

Natural treatment for hemorrhoids include getting Bioflavonoids in your system and using herbs like Chamomile, calendula, Butchers Broom, Horse Chestnut and Witch Hazel.

Bioflavonoids are usually found in citrus fruits, berries, green tea, onions, broccoli, Red Bell Peppers etc. There are also over the counter Bioflavonoids supplements which you can get online and use. Chamomile & Calendula can be used by usually grounding into a cream. You can find many hemorrhoids creams and ointments which contains these herbs and can be bought over the counter. Butchers Broom and Horse Chestnut are also available in supplement form and can be bought over the counter.

[stextbox id=”info”]You can check out available over the counter supplements here:
Bioflavonoids SupplementsHorse Chestnut CreamWitch Hazel CreamButchers-Broom Supplements[/stextbox]

You can also get hemorrhoids relief and ease the pain by using therapy and changing your lifestyle. You can use Hydrotherapy by using SITZ Bath Kits which is basically warm water bath for the rectal area. You may also use portable bowls for this purpose which are more convenient.

[stextbox id=”info”]Check out these: SITZ Bath Kits[/stextbox]

You can also ease the hemorrhoids pain by changing your lifestyle. If you job requires you to stand for a long period of time, make sure you take several breaks by simply placing a stool near you. Avoid heavy lifting and excessive standing. If you are at home then take time to lie down for 10-15 min. after every couple of hours. This will decrease the pressure on your rectal area. Avoid spicy foods or anything that may cause Diarrhea, Constipation or frequent bowel movements.

If your hemorrhoids condition is getting worse by every day then you may opt for the surgery treatment option.

Hemorrhoid Surgery – Treatment Option for Sever Condition

There are various degrees of hemorrhoids. These will be from mild to moderate hemorrhoids. In addition, many will have hemorrhoids at a more severe level. If you are suffering from severe hemorrhoids, it may be necessary to have a hemorrhoids surgery to have the blood vessels removed. Not doing so will cause problems later. By knowing what is involved in hemorrhoid surgery, you can decide if it is right for you to look into.

When one decides to get Hemorrhoid surgery, they can expect to have their rectum adjusted to relieve pressure off the blood vessels in this area. The rectum is the last area of the digestive system. When it is functioning properly, it will easily move stools through the body. When hemorrhoids are in the rectum, it will cause the area to not be able to move the digestive area properly. The hemorrhoids will act as cushions of tissue. These will be filled with blood and cause pain every time digestion is moving through this area.

If the hemorrhoids are severe, they will not only be cushions around the rectum area, but will also become swollen and inflamed. When this occurs, bleeding will occur while digestion is moving through your body. There will also be constant pain and itching in this area as well. If this can’t be relieved through other regular methods of treating the hemorrhoids, than surgery will become a necessary way of trying to treat the swelling from the blood vessels.

Doctors will get rid of hemorrhoids that are in this area in three ways. Hemorrhoid surgery is usually considered a mild surgery and does not take much time. After you are in the surgery area, you will be given medication to relax. From here, the surgeon can either remove the hemorrhoid by cutting it at the base of the vessel. Other methods will use a band and tie it around the hemorrhoid. This will then cause the hemorrhoid to not receive the blood circulation that is needed. Eventually, the hemorrhoid will fall off the rectum. The third surgery will be to put a sclerosing agent in the hemorrhoid. This will cause the vessels around the hemorrhoid to be destroyed. Eventually, this will cause it to fall off the rectum.

If you have hemorrhoids that are preventing you not only the regular comfort needed, but have caused you to not be able to work normally, you may want to look into ways to treat the problem. One of the choices that are available for you is to have surgery for the hemorrhoids. If no other natural methods have worked, this may be important to look into. This is especially important to know about if you have severe hemorrhoids. Knowing choices for hemorrhoid surgery and if it is needed to treat your problem is the first step in deciding whether you should talk to your doctor about hemorrhoid surgery.


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