When you are going for purchasing something, what you keep in mind is the style, quality, brand and performance but sometimes you forget about your safety. You must keep safety as your first priority while purchasing products specially those which are risky and you have no experience of them and hoverboards are one of those machines where safety must be considered. Your safety is first, so never go for the cheap brands. Always try to purchase the best quality Bluetooth hoverboards which have safety certificates. Here I will talk about the brads which are offering you safe products.
I – Doinshop Smart Bluetooth Skate Board
To get a lightweight hoverboard with the best quality, Doinshop Smart is the best one. It is durable with smart Bluetooth system and works on 15 to 20 kilo meter per hour speed with capability of covering range of 20 kilometers within one battery charge. Its body is made up of alloy elements with anti-rusting feature.
II – LIKECAR SMART Bluetooth Self-Balancing Hoverboard
It is difficult to have self-balancing system and easy to handle hoverboard within affordable price, but don’t worry since LIKECAR smart is offering one of the best featured products within good price. This is more stylish product with red and black colors. It is available with rechargeable battery pack and its Bluetooth is most favorite feature because it is strong in functioning and this product is safe for use.
III – Official Halo Rover Board with Bluetooth
This product has built-in Bluetooth system and through mobile phone app, you can control its functions. This is safety certified from UL2272 and it includes a hologram structure. In this machine EXCLUSIVE Halo Technology Sensors are used which help the rider in smooth ridings. Through this machine, you can play music and control is possible if you install the app. In this device, you can change the modes of riding according to your need. You can go for higher or slower speed as it depends upon you.
IV – Electric Scooter with Bluetooth
This is self-balancing hoaverboard with Bluetooth and LED system. Its maximum speed is 15 kilometer per hour. It takes 120 minutes to charge the battery and its battery is made up of lithium element. Its capacity of weight carrying is 120 kilogram. With the help of this machine, you can cover the distance of 15 to 30 kilometers with one battery. It is durable product and you can charge it for 2000 times meaning it will give you maximum results with the best quality. Diameter of wheels in this product is 10 inches.
These are the best Bluetooth hoverboards on the market, so choose one from these options and enjoy a great ride on your new hoverboard.