What is Warehouse Management?

The storage concept has been changing and expanding its area of ​​responsibility.Today, the store is a unit of service and support in the organizational and functional structure of a commercial or industrial enterprise with well-defined purposes of custody, control and supply of materials and products.What was once characterized as a space within the organization for the exclusive use of merchandise is now a key structure that provides physical and functional elements capable of generating added value.

What is warehouse management?

Warehouse management can be defined as the process of logistics which is responsible for the receipt, storage and movement within a warehouse to the point of consumption of any logistic unit and information processing data generated in each process.

Warehouse management’s main purpose is to optimize a functional logistics area that acts in two-stage flow such as supply and physical distribution, constituting therefore the management of one of the most important activities for the operation of the chain catering.

The overall objective of warehouse management is to ensure continuous and timely supply of materials and means of production required to ensure services continuously, so that the production flow of an organization is largely conditioned by the pace of store.

Warehouse management is located in the map of logistic processes between inventory management, order management and distribution, thus, the scope of responsibility of the warehouse area was born in the reception of the physical unit on site and extends to the maintenance of it in the best conditions for further treatment.

The common question that is generated after knowing the processes of the logistic map is that what functions correspond to inventory management and the warehouse management.

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Importance and Objectives of Warehouse Management

The importance and objectives of warehouse management directly depend on the fundamentals and principles that frame the raison of it. The objectives should be considered for a warehouse management are as follows;

  • Fast delivery
  • Reliability
  • Cost reduction
  • Maximizing the available volume
  • Minimizing handling and transportation

The Benefits of Warehouse Management

  • Reduction of administrative tasks
  • Agility development of other logistics processes
  • Optimizing investment level management of working capital
  • Improving product quality
  • Cost optimization
  • Reducing processing times
  • Level of customer satisfaction

Warehouse Functions

Although the course of a warehouse’s functions depends on the incidence of multiple both physical and organizational factors, some functions are common in any environment and these common functions are as follows;

  • Receiving materials
  • Registration warehouse inputs and outputs
  • Storage materials
  • Maintenance and storage of materials
  • Office materials
  • Coordination with department store inventory control and accounting

For more information, you are suggested to visit this website.