What are the secrets of bioclimatic architecture?
The bioclimatic architecture is characterized by the designs that take into account the climatic conditions of the place where the construction will be carried out. It takes into account the necessary and organic resources of the area such as vegetation, rainfall, winds, sun with the aim of reducing the environmental impacts in addition to minimizing the consumption of energy as well.
The cost of the construction may be higher than that of other similar buildings made with the traditional methods but given the long term energy savings, it turns out to be more economical. In some cases, the bioclimatic architecture manages the constructions that can be considered self-sustaining in their totality.
The most common points where the bioclimatic architecture makes the special emphasis are the capture of solar energy, ventilation, thermal insulation and the integration of the renewable energies.
Although it seems to be a new technique, this method has been used since antiquity. An example of this is the south-facing roofs in the northern hemisphere to take advantage of the inclination of the sun, the typical chalets of the Alps and a few more.
Implementation of the Industrial Architecture
- This movement within the architecture was born as a result of the industrial revolution that produced the grouping of the factories to conform a new landscape that was characterized by the classic chimneys of these buildings.
- The new technological developments gave a rise to the emergence of the new necessities that made it indispensable for the realization of new designs in order to satisfy them.
This architectural style is strongly conditioned by two factors which are as follow;
Firstly, the interior and exterior functionality of the building is designed in such a way that it is able to maximize the efficiency of the production process.
In the second place, it is to make sure the complete operator control.
These combinations gave a definite rise to the classic factory designs that in many cases still remain today.
In general, the industries are characterized by requiring huge spaces that are organized by making a set of the different independent attached places. The other also very widespread option is the one of buildings of flats that is circumscribed to a walled enclosure.
I would also recommend you to check my post at cmplus.com.au to learn more in this regard. Cmplus.com.au is a dedicated blog for architecture.
Modern Architecture and the Tendency to Have Organic Architecture
Modern Architecture
The term modern architecture encompasses a very large set of styles that developed throughout the twentieth century. This tendency is characterized by a strong rupture in the traditional layout of the spaces and in the aesthetic and compositional forms. This movement was not only limited to the architectural field but also transcended other areas such as the world of arts and design.
The great changes seen at a glance compared to the traditional building styles were possible, thanks to the existence of new materials such as reinforced concrete, flat glass in large sizes and rolled steel.
As for the distribution of spaces, it is characterized by orthogonal sections that in most cases are asymmetrical, the absence of moldings or other decorative elements in the facades by the large horizontal windows that were possible, thanks to the steel profiles for having very bright interior spaces.
Development of Plans in Architecture
When planning a new project, it is essential to carry out in the first place a small outline that serves as a guide and on which different modifications can be made as new elements are foreseen or new ideas occur. Once this first stage is finished, it is possible to proceed to the elaboration of the plans that will serve as a guide for those who carry out the construction.
In some cases, some studies by architects also boost their projections by using some computer programs that allow a very real simulation of the building in addition the customer can see very easily how his order will be finished after exploring each corner of the same through a virtual walk. Undoubtedly, these programs are extremely useful because at this stage, you can appreciate some negative points that can be repaired without causing inconveniences. The plans are the fundamental guide with which to begin any project.
Development of Organic Architecture
Organic architecture seeks to promote harmony between natural environment and human habitat. Through design, it seeks the integration and understanding of the environment surrounding the building, be it a small house or an imposing building. It attempts to make the picture a highly correlated unified composition.
It its roots in the functionalism that was dispersed at first by the Scandinavian architects during the decade of the 30s and 40s of the nineteenth century.
If one has to name the fundamental principles that govern organicism, one can say that it seeks the prevalence of useful over ornamental. There are two basic principles that govern the organic architecture;
- Greater importance is given to the functionality of the design that should be useful to the people who inhabit it.
- A new point of view is created towards the internal spaces which are created depending on the utility that will be given to whoever inhabits the building.
Now you can see my blog to learn more about architecture types.