Getting to Know Featured Snippets for Content Optimisation

Acquiring an established online presence requires proper technique, concrete plan, and extra effort. Learning features and tools used in Search Engine Optimisation is an advantage to overtake the traffic status of your brand competitors. From the search query, Google algorithm will extract information in web pages to give the possible answers. According to SEO Content specialist, coding techniques must be integrated into writing content for getting in the featured snippets of Google Search Results.


What is Featured Snippet?

A featured snippet is one common feature of Google. It provides short information wording that answers a search query immediately. This feature increases the chance of higher views that the readers become intentional in visiting your website page. Moreover, featured snippets are included in the SEO Content writing guidelines along with Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Target SEO keywords.

What are the Primary Types of Featured Snippets?

Featured snippets have three main types and they are:

  1. Paragraph 

Paragraph style featured snippets are the most popular among all. It provides a quick answer to “W” questions. The Google algorithm intends to answer the search query directly in a snippet. If further information is needed, the searcher will click the link of the page or article – eventually visiting the website already.

   2. List 

List style type of featured snippets often appears when the query needs a ranked list of topics and popular choices; for example, “What are the Top 10 Hit Songs in 2020?” or “How to start a travel blog?”. It will appear immediately on the search page since the goal of the Google algorithm is to provide more information as much as possible.

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   3. Table 

When numerical information is the concern, table style featured snippets are shown in the search query page. It looks organised so readers will find it quickly as they can. It also provides complete details or information about the table when clicked. Then, it will often lead to the right website page.

Why Target Featured Snippets for Increased Traffic?

Getting your content in Google’s featured snippets brings the best chance to be in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). Also, the purpose of a search engine is for queries that need quick answers. Featured snippets also act as an invisible bridge from the person searching to the website page (for complete details). With that, the website will earn more traffic in exchange. Meanwhile, featured snippets also appear to voice queries in Google search. It is the immediate reference to answer voice queries as long it is linked to the information needed.

In the past, targeting feature snippets was a sure win in increasing website traffic. However, Google regularly updates its algorithm. This year, a featured snippet will not be appearing twice in search results and repeatedly on SERP page 1. Because of this, there is a higher chance to lose traffic by focusing on getting in the featured snippets of Google search engine result page.

As an alternative, writing headers in question form is suggested, such as target featured snippets that aim to answer complex questions, like “What is LSI Keyword?” Usually, the results page will present a list of the title headers having the same question. From there, the user will be led to your website page automatically and find the complete details. For higher traffic targets, you can consult SEO online marketing experts in terms of using featured snippets for writing website content.

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There are many ways to boost traffic for your website page. The important thing to do is to identify the purpose of your brand, make high-quality content, and know well your target audience. Using the right tools and techniques in content optimisation will surely give you an edge in achieving an established online presence.

Author’s Bio: Charlotte Russe is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.