1 – Joining the Puzzle
It is a fun way in which she will be an active participant where you have to organize a puzzle. You have to think of a puzzle that has to do with her and her story. When she has all the pieces, she will be ready to join them and when she will have finished, she will be able to read your proposal of marriage in the united pieces that, in order not to lose the romantic touch, can form a heart. That is the moment when you will give her the biggest prize which is the engagement ring.
2 – A Mural Full of Love
For this proposal, you need a wall in the street where your girlfriend visit frequently. You must have authorization to modify it and to display your artistic gifts there, since you must decorate and paint it as you like, making a beautiful background in which you highlight the question where you ask for the marriage and surprise her with one knee on the floor and the engagement ring before her eyes.
3 – Musical Surprise
If you have talent for singing, this is a great idea, but you cannot do it alone, so you will require a few friends who also have musical aptitudes. You can cite it in a park or in a place that is special to you. When she arrives, one of the friends will receive her by singing the first lines of a song written by you where you tell her everything you feel for her and why you want to spend the rest of your life by her side. The lyrics of the song should be sung by several friends who will guide her, one after another, around the place until she gets to where you are. At that moment, you have to display your artistic talent and finalize the song with the proposal of marriage and the delivery of the engagement ring and she will not be able to say ‘No’ to you.
4 – In the Restaurant
This is not dinner for two. She must go to dinner with her friends and you will surprise her from a distance, through a window or door, passing several posters that you will hold in your hands with a message of love accompanied by images that illustrate your sentences. The last one is where you ask if she will to marry you. At the end, give her some flowers and a beautiful engagement ring in the traditional way i.e. one knee on the floor.
These are some ideas that can apply as they are or get inspiration to create your own. The secret is that you customize them according to your tastes and circumstances. They do not have to be expensive or luxurious, just think about what she may like. Finally remember that the best proposal is the one made from the heart, so make it unforgettable. To purchase the most beautiful pink sapphire engagement rings.